Transactions of the Korea Branch Royal Asiatic SocietyTransactions of the Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society
The first sections of a revised and annotated bibliography of western literature on korea from the earliest times until 1950 based on horace g. Underwood’S “partial bibliography of occidental literature on korea”
1.82 Mb. 10
Partial bibliography of occidental literature on koreaPartial bibliography of occidental literature on korea
The first sections of a revised and annotated bibliography of western literature on korea from the earliest times until 1950 based on horace g. Underwood’S “partial bibliography of occidental literature on korea”
1.82 Mb. 10
Corbicula an annotated bibliography 1774 2005Corbicula an annotated bibliography 1774 2005
Counts, Clement L., III. 2006. Corbicula, an annotated bibliography pages
2.47 Mb. 42
4, 1-36, pl. 31-21. Abed, M. M. & El Asa\4, 1-36, pl. 31-21. Abed, M. M. & El Asa'ad, G. M. A. (1981). Campanian-Early Maastrichtian scleractinian corals from central Saudi Arabia. Bulletin of the Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Egypt 8
Abdel-Gawad, G. L. & Gameil, M. (1995). Cretaceous and Palaeocene corals from Greece and Egypt. Coral Research Bulletin 4, 1-36, pl. 31-21
0.92 Mb. 16
As of December 31, 1984 life members underwood, Dr. & Mrs. Horace GAs of December 31, 1984 life members underwood, Dr. & Mrs. Horace G
Vries, Mr. & Mrs. Ch. E. A. Adams, Chung-Shil Dines, Frank E. Ae, Mr. & Mrs. Wolfgang Folkedal, Tor D. Ahn, Joon-Sang Goodwin, Charles Ahn, Kyoung-Sun
132.28 Kb. 1
Curriculum vitae name: Dr. Md. Motaharul Islam Nationality: BangladeshiCurriculum vitae name: Dr. Md. Motaharul Islam Nationality: Bangladeshi
41.87 Kb. 1


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